
About me

I began my journey to web development in 2017. I started out at Interface Web School under the Nebraska CONNECT program, a grant program that paid for technical education for those who had been unemployed or underemployed during a certain period of time. After I finished classes there for Web Foundations, Java and WordPress, I started attending Metropolitan Community College to get my Associate's Degree in Full-Stack Web Development. However, in fall of 2018, I switched to Bellevue University to get my Bachelor's Degree in Web Development instead. I expect to finish in November 2018.

I met my true love and best friend Amy on March 27, 1991 after returning from serving in Bahrain during Desert Storm as part of the U.S. Navy Reserve. Our first date was on April 4, 1991, and on April 4, 1997 she made me the happiest man in the world by marrying me. Since then we have had six wonderful kids, all with special talents and a special way of looking at the world.

My full-time job is as an Associate Software Engineer Trainee at Physicians Mutual Life Insurance Company in Omaha, Nebraska. I work mainly with Salesforce software which is written in Apex, an offshoot of Java. I also get to use JavaScript, Angular, CSS and the Ionic framework at my job. I work with the best group of people imaginable. I have never enjoyed a job as much as this one.